With the advent of the tech world, it was super easy to check in from home.  I was telling my friend, Lu, that people often don't allow for those last minute happenings that can be such a buzz kill!  Minutes before I left, the Center in Punta  mona needed my passport numbers and other information off my passport. There are always other incidentals when you travel and it is good business to allow space in your day for those last moment things to do. I would have to say the coolest thing about coming into an airport is meeting the other travelers. For instants,  when I was checking through the TSA security the young woman behind me was an attendee to the  Invision event where I will be a medic for almost 10 days.  Because I have not been there before, she gave me some very valuable first hand information. Also when you meet somebody who has been to a place, such as where I am traveling to, they become instant family. She hugged me, and I hugged her... well wishes were given to her  next trip to London then Amsterdam, Portugal, and other places in the world she is traveling right now. She is another one of those young adults that we have in our lives that  work just enough to save the money to travel the world. I have so many things to learn from the younger generation, and I am so blessed to have my niece Kylie who teaches me a lot just by being who she is in the world.  Another cool thing about technology is the fact that I can sit here in an airport or anywhere I have Internet service, and I can work with Scott and take over the computer at the compound and to work remotely… It's so freaking amazing to me that we can be this productive and not have to sit in a chair, Paul at a desk, and often times not even seeing a window, and look at us now it could be anywhere in the world sitting anywhere we want and still be productive.?